
BrainTech proved to inspire entrepreneurs to innovate in brain technology space, investors to find the latest exciting opportunities, scientists, physicians and industry to share and get up to speed on the state-of-the-art in brain science and technology.
Rafi Gidron - Founder and Chairman, Israel Brain Technologies -

BrainTech is a real vehicle to create the connections and partnerships between the different stakeholders entrepreneurs, researchers, investors and more that drive brain innovation and implementation.
Miri Polachek - Founding Executive Director, Israel Brain Technologies (ex-officio) CEO, Joy Ventures -

Presenting at the Startup Pavilion and at the Startup Competition pitch session opened a lot of doors for us. The event gave us unparalled access to decision makers from the entire global and local brain ecosystem.
Dekel Taliaz – Founder and CEO, Taliaz Health -
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